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Our Partners

We use our extensive network of partners, to provide our inbound tour groups with the best hotels, restaurants and activities, with packages customised to suit all budgets and group sizes.


Our inbound clients work with us to gain access to our stable of hundreds of the top brands, products and venues Australia has to offer.


Here are just a few of the experiences we offer!


Learn more about our sister company 



Asian Tour Experts

15 years experience, with dedicated staff in China & Korea and across 7 Asian markets. 

Cow - Calmsley Hill

Calmsley Hill City Farm

Real Aussie farm and wildlife experience.


Gold Coast

Sunny view of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia


Mercure Hotel Gerringong.jpg

Mercure Hotel Gerringon

Premium Accommodation partner, located just 1 hour and 30 minutes from Sydney


Mermaid Waters

Premium Australian Accommodation partners.

Lobby Ryal Pacific Lane Cove

Royal Pacific Hotel,
Lane Cove

Premium accommodation partner, located just minutes from the heart of the city

Representation at key international trade shows. A history of SHA marketing......



JAN:  DNSW Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia Live video, 224 agents watch

JAN:  TA - DNSW Japan 2021, 2 Days online meetings 38 wholesalers meetings  

FEB:   Lunar New Year: DJB hosts China key agents dinner Sydney - 11 agents VVIP Attend

MAR: Tourism Australia: Destination Australia Conference Sydney 

MAR:  India 4 sessions online, India Market training and update



JAN:  Melb ITO and Hotel meetings

JAN:  Bushfire devastate Inbound market

FEB:   CV19 breaks out globally from its China source

MAR:  International lockdown due to CV19

APR:  Tourism Australia -Update on China Workshop

APR:  Tourism Australia - Update on Korea 

APR:  DJB starts production on new destination and attraction training views-launched by TA for ASP Training globally

MAY:  Tourism Australia -Update on SE Asia

MAY:  DNSW Roundtable meeting on direction of tourism 

MAY:  Australian Tourism Exchange Melb- Cancelled

MAY:  DNSW update on India 

MAY:  DNSW Webinar, new digital trends, the new market

JUN:  DNSW Food and Wine virtual webinar -China Hong Kong and Taiwan

JUN:  Phoenix TV interview - Live to China and Taiwan

JUL:   DNSW SE Asia Virtual training - 127 agents 

JUL:   Japan leading day tour company overnight Jervis Bay training

JUL:   TA Greater China webinar:  285 agents watched

AUG:  TA SE Asia Webinar:  246 agents watched 

AUG:  TA Japan and Korea Webinar 

AUG:  Further destination video production for the Japanese market

SEP:   3 Day virtual Japan Online wholesalers meetings -  58 agencies met

SEP:   DNSW New Zealand live webinar:  195 agents attend 

SEP:   4 DAY Sydney ITO meetings all markets

OCT:  Tourism Australia China Virtual online  2 days - 43 virtual wholesaler meetings

OCT:  Tourism Australia, NSW Korea virtual online - 68 agents attend 

NOV:  Australia Marketplace Online - 3 days virtual UK/Europe meetings   28 meeting total 

NOV:  Business Events Virtual online  MICE meetings Greater China 

NOV:  DNSW New Zealand agents update - 147 agents watch

DEC:  TA China Marketplace 2021 online  - 46 meetings across 2 days

DEC:  Japan ITO sales calls and Christmas dinner - 5 directors and product managers

DEC:  Destination Sydney South Surrounds Symposium



JAN:   Sydney Sales calls, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and China    5 days   24 meetings

FEB:   Lunar New Year, DJB/SHA hosts Korean and Chinese celebration dinners in Sydney, a total of 28 agencies attend.

MAR:  Grand Opening of Sydney No1 Vietnam Travel agency in Sydney- DJB speak and welcomes.

MAR:  DJB/SHA partner workshop, discuss trends and international developments 

APR:   Australian Tourism Exchange Perth

May:   Overseas sales mission China(Kunming, Shanghai, Beijing ) Taiwan, Vietnam (Hanoi and HCM )

MAY:   DNSW Japan Workshop 2 days, 19 agents 

JUN:   DNSW -Tourism Australia Vivid famils across 6 countries

JUN:   Korea Seoul Biggest consumer trade expo  90,000 retail attendees 3 days and additional sales calls 

JUN:   China ( Xiaman, Shanghai) Vietnam and Taiwan 

JUL:    Sydney Japan Ito sales call and presentation, design the New Sydney!

JUL:    Tokyo and Osaka JTB Head Office Invitation, DNSW Tokyo Office Planning

JUL:    Japanese Famil x 3 new agents to Jervis Bay 

AUG:   Melb Hotels and ITO sales meetings  4 days

SEP:    Focus On China Sydney 3 day conference, 60 + meeting and following pre and post famils all hosted by DJB

SEP:   Japanese Ito sales calls top 6 agencies

SEP:    2 day Taiwanese Famil, 36 staff all Sydney and South Coast attraction, new itinerary planning

OC:     Melb and Sydney hotel and ITO meeting across all markets 

NOV:  Japan Famil overnight DJB, hosted and guided


NOTE: 2018/2019 was a record year for SHA/DJB handling over 110,000 international bookings across, Cairns, Gold Coast, Sydney, Jervis Bay and Melbourne for our product partners.



JAN:   NSW Tourism Minister Dinner 

FEB:   Lunar New Year, DJB Hosted a dinner 16 Korean ITO and separately 14 China ITO

MAR:  Korean and Vietnamese Sydney Sales calls

MAR:  India Workshop hosted by DNSW, 16 ITO attend

APR:   Shanghai Sales calls and Singapore, Malaysia - 9 days -  39 agencies

APR:   Beijing, Chengdu and Seoul Korea and Vietnam  Sales calls  12 days - 47 agencies 

MAY:   SYDNEY ITO, Vietnamese, Korean, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong

MAY:   VIVID Sydney, DJB hosted a series of Japanese, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesian, China and Taiwanese Famils

JUN:   Korean Travel Expo Seoul  3 days 90.000 + retails visitors

AUG:   Sydney ITO sales calls, 5 markets covered

AUG:   Korean Travel Expo 2.5 days and further Korean wholesaler sales calls

SEP:    China Sales Mission ( Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing )  Taiwan  and Vietnam (Hanoi and HCM)

OCT:   China ( Hunan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou )  Korea DNSW Mission Trade Show, China ( Xian and Chengdu )



JAN:   DJB hosted Chinese New Year dinner - top 10 Sydney-based China ITO

FEB:   Hosted Korean government delegation 3 days Sydney- Jervis Bay

FEB:   Melb and Syd Inbound sales calls, covering 4 markets

MAR:  Sales Mission Taiwan and Korea - 36 agents across 5 days

APR:   China Key agents famil to Jervis Bay and Surrounds- overnight

JUN:   Series of International agents destination and attraction inspection on behalf DNSW VIVID.

JUN:   Melb inbound sales calls

AUG:  China (Beijing ), Japan and Korea International sales calls across 14 days - 74 meetings.

SEP:   China (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Beijing ) and Vietnam 

OCT:   Hong Kong and Taiwan and Vietnam Sales Calls

OCT:   DNSW CHINA Mission Hunan China

NOV:  Founding member of South West Sydney Tourism Task Force

NOV:  Xinhua News covers Jervis Bay live broadcast, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan

NOV:  Korea Retail Travel Expo, 80,000 + public in attendance 



JULY:  DJB partner workshop, International market update hosted by DJB

AUG:   Sales Mission China, (Guangzhou, Shanghai Beijing, Qingdao, Chongqing and Chengdu )  Seoul South Korea

OCT:    Korea Travel Consumer Expo, 75,000 participants across 3 days plus additional wholesaler sales calls

OCT:    Winner South Coast Tourism Awards, Discover Jervis Bay: Marketing and Promotions 

OCT:    Sydney Hotels and Attraction is founded and allows expansion to service clients, in Cairns, Gold Coast, Sydney and Melb.  Specialising in Hotel Representation

NOV:   DNSW Inbound workshop

NOV:   Sydney and Gold Coast Inbound agents sales calls, SE Asia, China, Taiwan, Korea










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